
Don't get Sick

It's no fun.  You know that.  Been there, done that -  you got the ugly tee shirt too and don't want to wear it.  Same here.

Truth is, sickness is a fact of life.  You get tired, run down, eat something you shouldn't, get cold, wet, or too hot -  and there you have it.  Your immune system is compromised and caves into a cold, flu, or virus.

So what follows here is not new.  Your mother told you this stuff, your grandmother too . . . things that you can and should do to help stay well during flu season.

Keep Warm.  Wear mittens, gloves and a scarf if necessary.   A dip in body temperature by half a degree can compromise your system enough to catch "whatever."

Stay dry.  Especially your feet.

Wash your hands.  Or use hand sanitizer.  Keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.  Cough into your arm then wash that nasty shirt.

Stay hydrated.

Eat well.  As in food that is GOOD for you.  A car don't run well and breaks down more frequently on poor quality gasoline.  Why would your body respond differently if you eat junk?

Use good sense about unnecessary exposure. Stay away from  sick people as much as possible.

See how simple that was?  There are a lot more good suggestions out there which anyone is welcome to share. A lot of it boils down to good common sense and just not giving into the temptation to fudge when doing the right thing is inconvenient.  I write this as much for myself and my kids as anyone.  Because really - who wants to be sick at Christmas??