
I love the choleric tendancies God programmed me with. While they have caused their share of confusion in the past (like contributing to my doubts about my salvation when I was a kid) they are handy to have in a crisis.

Example: When Becky was hospitalized for a concussion I was the one that was calm and in control on the way to the ER. Never mind she quit breathing on the way. I knew what to do and handled it. My composure was a different story when she was out of danger, but during the crises, God gave me the grace to handle it.

That being said, I've had many after thoughts since my little brush with death. One of the main things I've been hit with is that I'm probably still here because of prayer. So who prays for me on a regular basis? My family and pastor for sure. Beyond that I can't say for sure, for sure. I hate to admit that a lot of times we pray for people when we know there's a need, but not necessarily routinely.

Nobody knew I was sick. So how could they have prayed for that need? Short of the Spirit's prompting, it was impossible.

Lessons learned:

Pray whether you know there's a need or not. There probably is one even if you aren't aware of it and it's probably more serious than you realize.

Prayers from unexpected, unregarded or "other" sources are priceless. Case in point. I get a lesson from DC who is in prison about every 10 days. DC always writes and tells me she's praying for me. Is she? I like to think so. It's possible her prayers are the ones that kept my heart going. I don't know, but I sure plan to ask about it in eternity.

Pray when God brings someone to mind. This can be every time you open your email!! That's not a bad thing. God has a reason for letting you think of that high school friend, or the class bum as the case may be.

Pray through when something or someone is heavy on your heart. There's an old timey thing (I don't know if it's a doctrine or what - I need to study it out) about "praying through." As best I understand it you grab hold of the horns of the altar and don't let go till God gives you peace He's heard your prayers and will handle your request.

Once in a great while God lets you see the result of your prayers in this life. My Mom is pretty much a shut in due to circumstances beyond her control, yet her prayers for others is legendary. She prayed for a young mother she'd met briefly years ago. She had no way of knowing her baby had just been kidnapped. That baby is now a fine man planning his wedding. Back in the 50's she prayed for a baby girl she heard about in the news who was injured and orphaned in a house fire several states away. Years later God saw fit to connect the two of them. Mom's prayers for her to be raised by a loving Christian family had been answered and now that lady has a wonderful family of her own.

I suspect one of the blessings of eternity will be finding such connections and learning the results of our prayers. I love my mom's stories and want my own prayers to be such a blessing to others. It doesn't matter if I don't learn what happens here. The important thing is to PRAY.


I've lost track of how much time has passed since blessing this blog with a few clickety clicks. But then a lot has happened the last few weeks. Some parts I'd just as soon forget, others stare me down shaking their finger in my face "lest I forget."

I can't forget being ill four months partly due to heartache and stress I knowingly or unknowingly carried around. God knew how much this dumpling could take and let me get to the root of the problem in time to catch a life threatening condition. Anemia sucks. It took an overnight stay in one of Alabama's finest hospitals and 3 units of blood to get me out of danger. I take a handful of vitamins and supplements for breakfast now.

I can't forget meeting Debi Pryde and her words of wisdom. And how much fun it was jamming with Tracy at the FAR retreat even though I couldn't hold my notes as long as I wanted. (anemia - its a wonder I didn't kill myself) Next year, for SURE.

No forgetting Cindy's visit to (take over and) pull off her dad's 50th birthday event since I was in no shape to. God arranged all that. We had the best visit in years and both grew because of it. In some ways it was like getting my girl back. Call me a doting mom but while I don't worship the ground the my kids walk on, I have the greatest respect for who they are in Christ and who God intends them to be. Cindy's the oldest, and a most awesome young woman. It will be exciting to see what God's got planned for her.

No forgetting I'm married to an old man now, lol. Poor dear got his AARP invitation ON his birthday. Mama always told me, better an old man's darling than a young man's fool.

And wonder of wonders, the bee doors keep opening and opening. Went to the state association meeting 13th and 14th in Montgomery. A new amendment put me on the board of directors by virtue of being a pres with 10 state members. (sigh) A nomination from the floor and subsequent vote for a 3 year term did it regardless of local rank. So they're stuck with me whether they like it or not. There's one or two that probably don't, but they're voted out now anyway. I saw one officer publicly flinch at the 05 meeting after blabbing something where he'd lied to me. I think there's hope for the organization with the good people currently in the higher offices.

My kitchen is a wreck. I've been cleaning old wax that was given to me. And working on making creamed honey. (Yummmmm!!!!) I think I've fallen in love with the sweet stuff all over again. It's kind of interesting that Christ is described by several flowers in the Bible. I've no idea whether either make nectar for honey, but it is interesting that honey comes from flowers and just as the Word comes from God. There's some sweet goodness to that somewhere but this poor bod and brain are too tired to fully grasp it at this hour. :)

G'nite all.