Weekend Wonderment
As the weekend draws close I find myself musing about some of the small, and not so small miracles in our little corner of the world.
The one that has blessed me most is the miracle of music. After a long dry spell and some heart rending experiences our Becky is composing again. Part of the hiatus has been merely the busyness of life, but part is out of deep emotion too. Whatever the case what I'm hearing is more beautiful than anything that's come before and I stand in awe of what God does through this child.
On a less dramatic note, our sterile chickens are laying eggs. It took a year and a half for them to develop from steroid stuffed nearly dead fryer rejects to real chickens. But grow they did. They've been free range all summer, sharing the pasture with the cows and reclining under the shade of the big pecan tree during the heat of the day. Silly funny pets, that's all they were. I guess the good life agreed with them.
And Norman has successfully transplanted Tennessee rhubarb to southeast Alabama. His biggest obstacle has been . . .chickens. I don't know if rhubarb is to chickens like catnip is to cats but they won't stay away from it. He planted it under the aforementioned pecan tree and well . . . hmmm . . . I wonder if it had anything to do with the sudden appearance of eggs.
Sharing the Love
That may not be an appropriate title. More like sharing knowledge, or understanding, gifts of love that God gave to me in order to help others. Ok, so maybe the title will work.
This particular vein has to do with natural means of health and healing and my intent is to write about the things God has and is showing me. It's pretty well known among my circle of influence that Mrs. Horton probably has something that will fix your boo-b00, whether it be a bug bite, a bruise or whatever.
In the beginning . . I was a new beekeeper and had to do a presentation. I chose to speak about something I knew - STINGS! In the process of learning about stings I learned about propolis, also known as "bee glue" to beekeepers. It's a brown substance that looks like dog poo in large quantities. Bees make it to seal the hive and maintain it as a sterile environment. I could park here and spend the rest of the day writing about it's amazing healing properties, but suffice it to say the thing that caught my attention was that it was good for psoriasis which my dad suffered from.
My first attempt to make something to help Dad was both a success and a failure. The tincture was wonderful. But the alcohol dried his skin and which negated the good results from the propolis. Round two found me using knowledge of this product that God had showed me and modifying a lotion recipe to make a cream. What we learned immediately was nothing short of amazing.
During the tincture stage of my experiments I had learned that propolis would help fire ant bites. A girl had several bites on her back and they did well with the tincture formula. I didn't give it a lot of thought. When my husband came in covered with bites while attempt #2 was still cooling off, we put the cream on his forearm where he had received 30 or 35 bites. Poor man was in some kind of trouble, but something happened. The arm felt better. And the next day it looked good. The second day we were dropping our jaws that he had no blisters.
That is how Fire Ant First Aid was born. After additional research, field testing, and more research we launched it in April 2006 on the internet. Several stores picked it up that summer and more have followed in 2007. The list of things it's good for keeps growing and we hope to expand the product line within the year.
That may not be an appropriate title. More like sharing knowledge, or understanding, gifts of love that God gave to me in order to help others. Ok, so maybe the title will work.
This particular vein has to do with natural means of health and healing and my intent is to write about the things God has and is showing me. It's pretty well known among my circle of influence that Mrs. Horton probably has something that will fix your boo-b00, whether it be a bug bite, a bruise or whatever.
In the beginning . . I was a new beekeeper and had to do a presentation. I chose to speak about something I knew - STINGS! In the process of learning about stings I learned about propolis, also known as "bee glue" to beekeepers. It's a brown substance that looks like dog poo in large quantities. Bees make it to seal the hive and maintain it as a sterile environment. I could park here and spend the rest of the day writing about it's amazing healing properties, but suffice it to say the thing that caught my attention was that it was good for psoriasis which my dad suffered from.
My first attempt to make something to help Dad was both a success and a failure. The tincture was wonderful. But the alcohol dried his skin and which negated the good results from the propolis. Round two found me using knowledge of this product that God had showed me and modifying a lotion recipe to make a cream. What we learned immediately was nothing short of amazing.
During the tincture stage of my experiments I had learned that propolis would help fire ant bites. A girl had several bites on her back and they did well with the tincture formula. I didn't give it a lot of thought. When my husband came in covered with bites while attempt #2 was still cooling off, we put the cream on his forearm where he had received 30 or 35 bites. Poor man was in some kind of trouble, but something happened. The arm felt better. And the next day it looked good. The second day we were dropping our jaws that he had no blisters.
That is how Fire Ant First Aid was born. After additional research, field testing, and more research we launched it in April 2006 on the internet. Several stores picked it up that summer and more have followed in 2007. The list of things it's good for keeps growing and we hope to expand the product line within the year.

Doing My Time
Today is Sunday and I'll be going to the jail to "minister" to the women there. I use quotations because as a Baptist (no women preachers) hearing myself called that by the personnel at the jail took a bit of getting used to. So unofficially I am a minister. Officially I'm just a woman fulfilling my calling to (admit it) minister to the female inmates.
My lessons have been about women in the Bible for three or four years now. I taught on Eve one January and kept on going. It's been very revealing for myself. I think the most profound lessons have come from the lesser known Bible characters. None of the inmates have been in on more than a few consecutive lessons, but with the repeat offenders coming and going, it's pretty well expected that Mrs. Roslyn will teach about a woman in the Bible.
Today's lesson is about probably the ultimate villain - vixen in scripture - Jezebel. Yuck, yuck and more yuck, yet we all carry the potential to be like her. It will be an interesting morning for sure!
Daddy Issues
I'm writing a hasty note to tell myself to take a chill pill. I found out last night that my dad was admitted to the hospital. I found out this morning he has pneumonia.
Ok, lots of people get pneumonia. You take antibiotics and get well. Happens all the time. But my dad isn't your typical patient. He's been bedridden, a COPD patient with empyemia, for around five years, getting worse the whole time. Even with oxygen his lung capacity is 92-93%.
89% lung capacity is considered danger zone.
We've known for a long time that anything could really send him into the next life. He chokes several times every day and manages to gain control. There's nothing to be done, but each time could be the last.
So why am I freaking out? I don't know. Maybe because despite the fact that he's been a scoundrel his whole life and we all know he's in this condition because he abused his body with everything nasty he could get his hands on, he's still Dad. If nothing else the position he holds is still one worthy of respect whether he was respectable or not. And he's not.
Part of me wants to run to Ashland. Part of me says "be still." I think I best concentrate on getting my work done and see what Mom says tonight.
I'm writing a hasty note to tell myself to take a chill pill. I found out last night that my dad was admitted to the hospital. I found out this morning he has pneumonia.
Ok, lots of people get pneumonia. You take antibiotics and get well. Happens all the time. But my dad isn't your typical patient. He's been bedridden, a COPD patient with empyemia, for around five years, getting worse the whole time. Even with oxygen his lung capacity is 92-93%.
89% lung capacity is considered danger zone.
We've known for a long time that anything could really send him into the next life. He chokes several times every day and manages to gain control. There's nothing to be done, but each time could be the last.
So why am I freaking out? I don't know. Maybe because despite the fact that he's been a scoundrel his whole life and we all know he's in this condition because he abused his body with everything nasty he could get his hands on, he's still Dad. If nothing else the position he holds is still one worthy of respect whether he was respectable or not. And he's not.
Part of me wants to run to Ashland. Part of me says "be still." I think I best concentrate on getting my work done and see what Mom says tonight.
Bad news for Men
A recent article on Men's Health dealt with the phenomena of declining testosterone levels in men. This should come as no surprise. While the use of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has been gaining popularity among women, the corresponding issue in men is somewhat more serious. It's natural for a woman's endocrine system to change as she ages. The alarming decline of testosterone, and especially for men in their prime, is not normal, and is downright scary. It lends credibility to futuristic si-fi films like Children of Men and Stargate episodes dealing with the end of humankind because we fail to reproduce.
The good news is that the condition is treatable. The bad news is that we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot with new chemicals that come out at an alarming rate. They pass FDA approval because they aren't found to cause cancer, but are not tested for how they affect us otherwise - the endocrine system in particular.
The human male is a complex being who's chemical makeup is every bit as sophisticated as the female. Real men, those who are strong in will, character and integrity, are priceless and few. God forbid that they cease to be men physically as well.
A recent article on Men's Health dealt with the phenomena of declining testosterone levels in men. This should come as no surprise. While the use of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has been gaining popularity among women, the corresponding issue in men is somewhat more serious. It's natural for a woman's endocrine system to change as she ages. The alarming decline of testosterone, and especially for men in their prime, is not normal, and is downright scary. It lends credibility to futuristic si-fi films like Children of Men and Stargate episodes dealing with the end of humankind because we fail to reproduce.
The good news is that the condition is treatable. The bad news is that we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot with new chemicals that come out at an alarming rate. They pass FDA approval because they aren't found to cause cancer, but are not tested for how they affect us otherwise - the endocrine system in particular.
The human male is a complex being who's chemical makeup is every bit as sophisticated as the female. Real men, those who are strong in will, character and integrity, are priceless and few. God forbid that they cease to be men physically as well.
CCD Cause Found?
It's out, though it's not conclusive. Colony Collapse disorder has been linked to Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. While it is probably not the only cause, it has been found in affected hives. More study is on the horizon in continued research about this. More information can be found here.
Today was my second day this week playing with bees. It's been good for my heart in more ways than the mild aerobic workout I invariably enjoy. I spent most of yesterday with our state inspector who my eleven hives a thumbs up and good bill of health. We found one to be queenless which was remedied by giving them young brood to grow a new queen. Then today someone gave me a small swarm which I'll merge with the same hive. Either way they'll have a queen.
Today was spent teaching with fellow beekeepers at Landmark Park. It was a lot of fun as usual and our new teaching tools were a great help.
It's out, though it's not conclusive. Colony Collapse disorder has been linked to Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. While it is probably not the only cause, it has been found in affected hives. More study is on the horizon in continued research about this. More information can be found here.
Today was my second day this week playing with bees. It's been good for my heart in more ways than the mild aerobic workout I invariably enjoy. I spent most of yesterday with our state inspector who my eleven hives a thumbs up and good bill of health. We found one to be queenless which was remedied by giving them young brood to grow a new queen. Then today someone gave me a small swarm which I'll merge with the same hive. Either way they'll have a queen.
Today was spent teaching with fellow beekeepers at Landmark Park. It was a lot of fun as usual and our new teaching tools were a great help.
Today is a difficult day for our family. A dear friend is wounded and while there's nothing any of us can do more than pray, we do feel the pain and confusion he/she is probably dealing with. We pray for understanding, wisdom, and that it will ultimatly be one of many events that lead to great good for this person.
Several passages come to mind:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Romans 8:28 & 29
This gives me hope because I know my God can take the most awful thing imaginable and use it to further his glory in the lives of those who love him.
The other passage is Jeremiah 9: 23 & 24:
Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
This gives me comfort because I know my God is good despite the tears, what any of us feel or how things appear.
Lastly, Psalms 145:17
The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.
The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.
He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.
The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.
This mortal does not have any answers to the big questions of the universe - who, what, when, where and the biggest of all, WHY? But "WHO", (big H), I do know and know well. He is good, he is kind, and regardless of anyone's finite reasoning, loves us even, and especially when we hurt. So with the Sprit's help and in the name of Jesus I cry "Abba!" and cry to him till this cup passes.
Several passages come to mind:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Romans 8:28 & 29
This gives me hope because I know my God can take the most awful thing imaginable and use it to further his glory in the lives of those who love him.
The other passage is Jeremiah 9: 23 & 24:
Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
This gives me comfort because I know my God is good despite the tears, what any of us feel or how things appear.
Lastly, Psalms 145:17
The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.
The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.
He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.
The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.
This mortal does not have any answers to the big questions of the universe - who, what, when, where and the biggest of all, WHY? But "WHO", (big H), I do know and know well. He is good, he is kind, and regardless of anyone's finite reasoning, loves us even, and especially when we hurt. So with the Sprit's help and in the name of Jesus I cry "Abba!" and cry to him till this cup passes.
Back to the Grind
I've not posted anything lately largely because of being absent and being swamped. Norman, Becky and I spent the last week of August at the time share in Tennessee trying to have a vacation. The change of weather and change of pace were much appreciated. We visited friends and familiar places, went to a play and the county fair, visited the Mennonites and messed around a lot. We also visited three Christian colleges in the area for Becky's benefit. On the way home we stopped by to see Mom and Dad and got a double treat as my sister and bil were there as well.
It's good to be home though. Labor day was spent in labor, working to put our poor house back in order. Everything was still covered in sheetrock dust from all the tornado repairs and the yard was horribly overgrown. We've still a ton of work, but the end is in sight. The floor and baseboards in the back have to be done before we can move furniture but at least there are no more huge messes on the horizon.
Work wise I'm slowly getting through the mountains of mail that piled up and trying to figure out how the bill situation stands. Norman spent the whole day yesterday returning phone calls. The only time we stop is to pass out at the end of the day. Then it starts over.
So that's whats going on these days. I've got a meeting for our upcoming Honey Festival this afternoon and WBA meeting tonight. Next week will start the annual honeybee workshops at Landmark. It will be an interesting fall, that's for sure!
I've not posted anything lately largely because of being absent and being swamped. Norman, Becky and I spent the last week of August at the time share in Tennessee trying to have a vacation. The change of weather and change of pace were much appreciated. We visited friends and familiar places, went to a play and the county fair, visited the Mennonites and messed around a lot. We also visited three Christian colleges in the area for Becky's benefit. On the way home we stopped by to see Mom and Dad and got a double treat as my sister and bil were there as well.
It's good to be home though. Labor day was spent in labor, working to put our poor house back in order. Everything was still covered in sheetrock dust from all the tornado repairs and the yard was horribly overgrown. We've still a ton of work, but the end is in sight. The floor and baseboards in the back have to be done before we can move furniture but at least there are no more huge messes on the horizon.
Work wise I'm slowly getting through the mountains of mail that piled up and trying to figure out how the bill situation stands. Norman spent the whole day yesterday returning phone calls. The only time we stop is to pass out at the end of the day. Then it starts over.
So that's whats going on these days. I've got a meeting for our upcoming Honey Festival this afternoon and WBA meeting tonight. Next week will start the annual honeybee workshops at Landmark. It will be an interesting fall, that's for sure!
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