My Sister Bathsheba
I’ve come to realize this week that one of the reasons I like Bathsheba so much is that we have so very much in common.
Both of us were wronged by a very well liked and popular person.
Both of us had our hearts ripped out and stuffed down our throat.
Both of us were blamed in the other person’s sin.
Both of us endured whispers of ignorant waggling tongues.
And both of us chose to remain silent about the incident and let God handle it.
I love the fact that both God and Solomon vindicated this incredible woman. Even David, who sinned against her, publicly took responsibility for his actions, something that never happened in my case. Her son . . HER son, was chosen by God above his elder brothers to sit on the throne of David. Solomon publicly honored her to a place no woman had ever achieved in Israel’s history. Not only did he set her beside his throne, in essence declaring her his equal, but he wrote about her. How many women have aspired to be the Proverbs 31 woman without realizing that they were aspiring to Bathsheba’s godly character?
I love the fact that she is the only female Old Testament type of Christ. What an honor! What a legacy!
Today I feel the ignorant whispers again. I feel the serpent tearing at the scar tissue of old wounds. And I feel close to Bathsheba. I’m glad she endured to the end. She gives me hope.
Really good post!
very interesting, thanks
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