
Running with the Ball

Have I mentioned that sometimes God just drops awesomeness in my lap?  It happened again this week.  I was in the Wal Mart parking lot when the phone rang and a fellow beek  (slang for beekeeper) asked "Hey, you want my extra Hawaiian queens?"

Do I want Hawaiian queens?  That's like asking if I want to live long and prosper, a new SUV, or a winning lottery ticket (not that I play the lottery mind you).  But yes, I wanted them!

The deal with a Hawaiian queen in February is, it gives you a serious head start on your bee year.  A good honey crop is imperative on having healthy hives with many, many bees.  And the sooner said hives can build their population from the winter slump, the more bees will be ready to start making the sweet golden stuff when the surrounding nectar producing flowers are in full swing.  The new queens will allow me to split my existing hives with vigorous layers so that I'll have many more bees to make honey with than I would have growing my own  queens. It's a good thing. 

So yes.  Hawaiian queens are my lapload of awesomeness this week.  Live Long your Highnesses, and Prosper!

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