
Too little for too long

My poor blog.

I just checked in and realized how TERRIBLY long it's been since I shared something of this crazy farm /ministry/diy kind of life I live.  Truly terrible.

It's not that there has been nothing to say, indeed there's lot to chat about, ponder, meditate on and explore.  I've just not done it publicly, at least in this venue.

There's really no catching up on (ahem)-teen months of silence, neglect, busyness, so I'm not going to try.

What I am going to do is look at my day.  Today.  I've got 13 minutes before its over in this time zone so here goes.

Prison ministry was GREAT this morning.  Getting there and leaving much earlier under the new guidelines, but that's good.  Still LOVE ministering to women.  Love those women.  I relate to them more than should be admitted.

Got pulled over on the way back.  Trooper.  Blue lights flashing.  Really nice guy.  66 in a 45.  I don't understand why he let me off with only a warning but he did.  Thankful for mercy and grace.

Good sermon at church. Trooper told me better to arrive late than not at all so late, but that's not unusual for the Mr. or I.  Enjoyed the service.

Had a plate of ribs waiting for me at home compliments of a family friend.  Didn't really get to enjoy them till way late, but they were fabulous.  Also had a bushel of corn, a cooler of rhubarb and a truckload of dirty dishes to deal with.

A sweet puppy customer came with her adorable sons-  we spent 2 hours playing with  puppies on the screen porch as they decided which one to take home next week. 

And it rained.  So now my out of control yard will grow more out of control.  And the 0-turn has an engine problem and I don't know how we're going to handle that.

The hubs and friend finished dog beds for the kennels they started yesterday (the friend had to go and wanted to see the project finished -  sometimes you just have to suck it up.).  But it's done and oh so nice for the animals.

Just got in from giving meds to 9 sweet pups who got into something. Nothing serious but still has to be done.

Squirt - our miracle puppy weighed in at 870 grams before being tucked in.  The hamburger leftovers from the rib joint seem to be agreeing with him and he's up 70 grams from this morning.

Our guest almost convinced the Mr. to shoot a snake on the screen  porch late last night. The only reason he didn't was beause he didn't want to damage the floor or house at such close range or wake me up.  Today they wanted me to see it before they killed it - told me it was some kind of adder.  I told them it was plastic. A real snake would have put it's head down at least once in 12 hours.  I'm not making this up.

Didn't get to talk to any of the kids today but did see an adorable video of  EJ chatting it up in her car seat.  For FOUR WHOLE MINUTES.  She would do great in media or entertainment.  Especially comedy because this 2 1/2 year old has vocabulary, insight, observation skills, opinions about EVERYTHING and does not hold back. And drop dead gorgeous.  There's a video of her driving the tractor somewhere on Facebook if anyone can find it.  Look out world.

So it looks like I went 11 minutes over.  Oh well.  Happy Monday. 

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