
It's Thursday afternoon and I'M HOME!!! (This is where Chicken Little would start running and yelling) It feels good. Actually, it feels great. I just said bye to a nice reporter who had lunch with me. The weather is overcast and not nearly as humid. The lack of pressure is almost intoxicating. I need more days like this. A nap sounds good.

Soooo - it looks like the Eagle is featuring our little bee operation in the food section next Wednesday. The reporter is a sweet young mother freelancing on the side. It was kind of uncanny having someone who already knew my website inside out ask a ton of thought provoking questions. The nice part was that it left the door wide open to speak to her about some of the things God has shown me through all this. Hopefully she and her husband will take us up on the invitation to visit our church.

It seems every time I find myself in a rut thinking "this is going nowhere" the Lord either sends me down a particular path or in this case, put something/someone in my path. I'd have never in my wildest dreams imagined a feature article, but that's what's fixin' to happen. He gets the credit. All I've done is keep His little critters, and enjoy their produce! :-)

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