
Today will be a Random Monday, and since I've a truckload of work it will be much shorter.

Life goes so much smoother with extended quiet time.

I found out that a couple of our Prison Ministry students have been made trustees. They are actually assisting the secretary to the Director in the office with paperwork. I couldn't be more proud. Both these ladies have been outstanding students and it's wonderful to see the positive changes in their lives. I'm fully aware that earning the privilege of being a prison trustee isn't exactly what life goals are made of, but hey, it's where Joseph started.

I think the insane Cardinal that's been flying into our guest room window every day for the last five months is getting old and tired. He's not hitting the window nearly as hard or as many times. I suspect he's knocked a few brain cells loose somewhere along the line.

My great niece seems to be finally warming up. (Sigh) It's challenging to love someone so much and want to hold them close and not be able to. The point again - Don't do this to God!

It rained last night. It wasn't much, but everything was washed and the air smelled clean this morning. Maybe it was me but things looked greener too.

Mimosa is in bloom and the bees are all over it. It will probably be our last big nectar producer for this year, at least till fall.

I'm looking forward to Ladies Bible study again. The fellowship of studying with my peeps for the book of Ruth was sweet. I know from the outside it's just another church, but from the inside it's a family of people who love God and love each other. While only God can meet the deepest needs of the heart, it's sweet to have others to be there for us. RP and I have cried many a tear together in the back of Subway. Mrs. C's history here is longer than mine and she's the only regular left who knew me when I was 25. Nancy helped me make my daughter's wedding dress. Connie was a deep sister from the heart from the first month she visited. Yes, sometimes we bump elbows and get on each other's nerves, but that's what happens in families. But we make it right and keep going. The very best part is sharing that love and seeing the family grow. It's a God thing. I've no doubt heaven will be much better, but it is nice to enjoy a bit of it here.

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