
I'm finding myself convicted by a woman who lived thousands of years ago. She was very rich. Tradition says she was beautiful. She was certainly very powerful as she had an army and more wealth at her disposal than most people would know how to count.

And it wasn't enough. Her heart yearned for answers and upon hearing that answers were to be had she risked it all and set out on a journey in search of what her heart longed for. She took much of her army leaving her country's defenses weak. She risked political ruin by leaving her position. She traveled with a large caravan at risk herself to spend months crossing a dangerous hot desert. She didn't even know if she'd be received as this was an uninvited visit. But she went.

And she was welcomed by one greater and more powerful than herself who didn't immediately answer her questions but told her what her questions were. She found the answers when she found his God.

I know this God. He's been my God and my Savior most of my life. And even living for Him to the best of my ability I suddenly find myself as deficit for answers as she, who had only heard distant rumors of Him. At this point I'm not even sure I know what the questions are. Perhaps I should start with "Am I willing to go extraordinary lengths as she was to find answers to the mysteries I find myself faced with?"

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