It's done! The "big secret" that we kept from my husband's parents for so many months has come to fulfillment and my dear father in law is now officially Dr. Mahlon Horton. On Tuesday night (6/19/2007) he got the shock of his life when all his kids showed up for a routine missions conference above Atlanta and Carolina Bible College presented him with an honorary/earned Doctorate of Divinity.
So now Dad is "Dr. Dad." (I think I'm the only one he lets call him that.) He's not one to fuss over titles and such, preferring to hold a steady course and focus on serving the Lord. Well, his work has spoken for itself in volumes and it's nice to see a good guy get the honor he deserves this side of heaven.
Does this mean that we have to listen to him now??
I've got experience with these "Dr." types you know.
You mean you weren't listening before? For shame! Dr. titles give the hearer forwarning of approaching mountains of knowledge sometimes coupled with eccentricity of one sort of another. You should always listen even if you do not agree.
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