Taking it all In
OK, I really don't think I've taken in nearly as much as I wish I had, but I'll just blame this daggone sickness for that. This is the third, fourth (?) day of the great earache. Warm salt compresses and mullin bloom infused olive oil have become my constant companions, and as bad as I detest our healthcare system, I'm wondering if I should just break down and go. I don't like the looks of my options either way.
But being convalesced does have its perks: lots of sleep, much needed down time, piddle time, movies I wouldn't have otherwise watched, and reading. I finished The Shack (by Wm Paul Young) this morning through tears and a hungry heart. WOW.
I'll spare you a book review. Suffice it to say the website will give much more than I could say here, but if you're up to a rubber meets the road, and to borrow a phrase, where tragedy confronts eternity, kind of book, this is an emerging classic that can stand a place in the Christian library. The youtube video is good. Be warned, the book has stirred a theological hotbed of debate, so nitpickers should probably steer clear. As a metaphor, it takes a lot of literary, and even theological license in order to drive home blibical truth. I personally think the underlying message of the love of God is worth the effort for those grounded in sound doctrine. Let me emphasize that last point . . . for those grounded in sound doctrine. Even God's own book, the Holy Bible, can be misconstrued and twisted by those who are not.
I need to go repent of some stuff now.
I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well I pray you will soon return to good health. The Shack is an awesome book, but I do know what you mean about conflict of opinions especially in the liberal realm.
... a.k.a April Meadows
Thanks Shea/April. I appreciate your comment. It's nice to know someone actually reads my ramblings. Fyi, I edited my thoughts just a bit on that controversy issue for moderation's sake.
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